We’re celebrating 25 years in the laboratory industry!
This year sees us hit a significant milestone – the milestone that is a quarter of a century!!

We started from a spare bedroom in Barry’s house with a computer and a clear vision of providing the laboratory sector with a range of quality gas and water taps (laboratory mixer taps etc), emergency showers and eyewashes. Our markets and customers have grown as has the product range.
First on the timeline was the introduction of the Vulcathene chemical drainage ecosystem. This product complimented our range of water taps as if you have a tap, you’ll more than likely have a sink and a sink needs a waste and trap! This range quickly expanded to include things like the Clay Trap which are placed in art rooms.
The obvious and next logical step was to introduce a range of Belfast sinks and Laboratory sinks. This neatly tied up the taps and Vulcathene.
In the background we were developing our range and offerings on eyewashes and emergency showers. These have been incredibly popular and even more so with the addition of the frost proof showers and tank fed showers.
It’s been a real ride and without sounding cheesy, we’d like to thank all our customers out there who have made this possible with your support. It is appreciated!
Here’s to the next 25!!